Angel of Hope

Called to action from prayer and inspiration from above, we created “Angel of Hope”, a local nonprofit serving children suffering from poverty in Wilkes County, NC, while sharing the love of Christ. Wilkes County has a very high population of severely impoverished children. By working together with school social workers, guidance counselors, nurses, and other school administrators, Angel of Hope is able to identify those in need and directly respond.


Click Here to Purchase an Angel of Hope or Visit our Angel of Hope Sho


Click Here to Learn about Donating


It all started from a prayer from a dear friend and local educator…


“I am asking for some prayers. Prayers that all the needs of WCS children are met. My heart is breaking for the number of kids that don’t want Christmas break. That don’t want to forgo two warm meals and safe place to go daily. Pray for the educators scrambling to met all these needs. Pray for the right words to offer encouragement. Pray for their little hearts to know Jesus and the reason for this season. The letters to Santa from some of our kids broke me. They asked for a warm house, a bed, money to help their parents with bills.”


We have since learned that this is just the tip of the iceberg and the need is staggering. Our hearts break for these children but we have been convicted to use our platform and gifts to help! After much prayer and inspiration from above, attorney and boutique owner, Beth Vannoy, and acclaimed artist, Christie Younger, organized Angel of Hope.


Our mission is to:

- Provide funds directly to individuals as specific needs arise… examples are keeping utilities on, keeping children warm, fed, and healthy, providing funds for transportation, housing, and more. So far we have met some of these needs specifically by directly providing food and other daily essentials to multiple families, providing propane to a family heating their home with only space heaters, fixing plumbing so a family an have running water, and purchasing transportation vouchers to a family with medical needs.

- Create and maintain the "Angel of Hope Provisions Closet” in our local schools… stocked with hygiene products such as soaps, shampoos, deodorants, and feminine products; new clothing such as underwear and socks; new or gently used clothing such as pants, shirts, coats, shoes, gloves, and hats; blankets and bedding; healthcare products such as bandaids and antibiotic ointment; home goods such as disinfecting wipes, toilet paper, and paper towels; and non perishable food items and pantry staples.


Most importantly we desire to help these children feel loved and cared for by those both near and far. We want them to know and feel God’s love; that their lives truly matter to Him; that He has a plan for their lives; that He wants to prosper them, not harm them, and give them a hope and a future (Jeremiah. 29:11).


Funds are raised from the sale of “Angel of Hope” paintings which have already touched all corners of the US inviting nationwide support of our small community. One angel can provide so much!


Benevolent giving and local donations are also welcomed and can be made at Fruit of the Vine Boutique or Christie Younger, Fine Art Studio, both located in North Wilkesboro, NC.


If you have questions or would like to receive more information please reach out to Beth Vannoy or Christie Younger by emailing


Click Here for a List of Suggested Donations


Click Here to Purchase an Angel of Hope


Thank you and God Bless,


Christie and Beth